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Secondary Companies
Secondary Companies

Secondary Companies

China Railway Materials Laos Co., Ltd.

  China Railway Materials Laos Co., Ltd. (Laos Company) is a wholly-owned independent legal entity of China Railway Materials International Group Corporation (CRM International) and was registered in Vientiane Saysettha Development Zone, Vientiane, Laos in September 2017 with registered capital of US $2.9 million. Its business scope includes: procurement and sales of railway materials and equipment; production of railway materials and equipment; technology import; technical testing; import and export business; economic and trade consultation; general construction contracting, etc.

  As the bridgehead of CRM International in Southeast Asia, Laos Company actively develops various material markets on the basis of ensuring timely supply of core railway materials and equipment for China-Laos Railway Project. It has the General Construction Contracting Certificate and has signed a lot of material supply contracts for engineering projects since its establishment, such as the cement supply contracts for Section 2 (Mengsailiang Yard) and Section 6 of China-Laos Railway, steel and cement brick supply contract for Mahosot Hospital which was aided by China with President Xi Jinping and Lao’s President Benyang’s cooperation; Cement and steel supply project for Pala Substation built by Guangxi Transmission and Distribution Construction Co., LTD., which belongs to China Southern Power Grid; Transportation project of large equipment for China-Laos Railway charged by Mowan Railway Components Factory, which belongs to China Railway 15th Bureau Group Road and Bridge Construction Co., LTD.

  Taking the opportunity of the Belt and Road Initiative, Laos Company will focus on Laos’ market and continuously expand its business to other countries and regions in Southeast Asia to make significant progress of CRM’s international business in Southeast Asian market.

For any inquiry, please contact:

Name: Mr Zhenyu Wang

Position: Manager of General Office

Email box:

Telephone: (85620)55720052

Address: 5F Vientiane Center, Vientiane, LAOS

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