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Railway Comprehensive Services

  China Railway Materials International Group Corporation (CRM International) enjoys integrated supply of railway equipment and railway materials. With the overall advantage from long-term deep cultivation in railway sector, CRM International can provide customers with one-stop integrated supply services, covering railway equipment, railway lines, railway construction and materials needed for operation and maintenance of railway systems. Its own nationwide logistics network and overseas branches can minimize costs for customers and ensure high quality and timely supply.

  The railway equipment business includes supply for:

  ROLLINGSTOCKS such as locomotives, passenger trains, freight wagons, rail grinders, rail milling trains, flaw detection trains, comprehensive inspection trains, line tamping trains, catenary inspection trains, aerial work platforms, etc.;

  KEY COMPONENTS such as wheels, axles, bearings, bogies, couplers, draft gears and braking devices;

  MATERIALS such as H steel, Z steel beam, bamboo floor, high-speed train glass and high-speed passenger train sanitary water supply equipment, etc.

  In recent years, the main export deals include export of freight wagons and engineering vehicles to Brazil; diesel locomotives to South Africa; locomotives, wagons and railway relevant products to Namibia; diesel locomotives to Mongolia; battery electric locomotives to Australia; flat cars to Malaysia; locomotives, public-rail vehicles and engineering vehicles to Hong Kong of China; freight wagons, passenger trains and relevant parts to Taiwan of China; freight wagons, steel rails, cranes to Sierra Leone; tank wagons to Swaziland; and key components of freight wagons to the USA and Canada.

  CRM International has been a close partner of China Railway Rolling Stock Corp. (CRRC) as well as its subsidiaries and branches for decades. As a long-term partner and an EXCLUSIVE sales agent of Bochumer Verein Verkehrstechnik GmbH (BVV), CRM International has been supplying BVV’s forged wheels to China for years. In addition, CRM International is the solely authorized distributer of Fengfan Co., Ltd (a famous battery producer in China) in railway sector and has been providing various types of Fengfan’s rechargeable batteries and related services to customers.

  The trading of railway line products includes supply of rails, turnouts, sleepers, fasteners and other per-way materials and equipment. In recent years, CRM International has exported hundreds of thousands of tons of rails, turnouts, fasteners and other per-way materials to global markets, such as the United States, Brazil, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, China Taiwan, Kenya, Sierra Leone and Angola, etc.

  CRM International has established an all-round partnership with China’s five largest rail manufacturers including Anshan Steel Group, Baotou Steel Group, BaoWu Steel Group, Panzhihua Steel Group, Handan Steel Group, and it has built up close business relationship with high-quality turnout manufacturers. Its rails and turnouts have been also supplied to many domestic railway construction projects, such as projects of Shenhua Group and Shanxi local railway. CRM International and Taiyuan Jingfeng Electrical Equipment Factory signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement, which enables the former to EXLUSIVELY sell electro-hydraulic switch machines made by the latter.

  Relying on its professional advantages, CRM International provides a full range of railway construction materials to domestic and international railway construction markets. CRM International has offered long-term services in large and medium-sized railway construction projects in China, as well as important transnational projects of the Belt and Road Initiative, such as China-Laos Railway Project and the Hungary-Serbia Railway Project.

  At present, its business has expanded to all kinds of railway construction materials, operation materials, steel, cement, bulk raw materials, as well as supply, storage, logistics and distribution services of various special materials. The major customers include China Railway ConstructionEngineering Group, China Railway Materials Trading Group, China Communications construction Company and so forth.

  CRM International has been doing foreign loan bidding business for nearly 30 years and has signed contracts worth more than 20 billion yuan, involving business in relation to railways, city renovation and other fields, among which the bid rate and market share of railway construction materials and equipment supply rank the first in the industry. Meanwhile, CRM international has built up long-term and stable cooperation with many manufacturers and has accumulated good customer channels and brand reputation in supplying concrete products, railway equipment, buckle accessories and rails.

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