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Development Course

  In the late 1980s, China Railway Materials (CRM) established several export-oriented subsidiaries to participate in bids of railway construction projects funded by foreign governments or international organizations, including Transgoods Inc (formerly known as Taishan Inc), Baiyi Company (formerly known as Kangjin Company), Huashen Company, Huafeng Company, Huahui Company and Fulun Company.

  In 1997, CRM established International Trade Group in Shenzhen by integrating Transgoods Inc., Baiyi Company, Huashen Company, Huafeng Company, Huahui Company and Fulun Comapany.

  In 1998, the International Trade Group was reorganized and changed its name to Shenzhen Sunray Group based on Huashen Company.

  In 2003, Huafeng Company was restructured and changed its name to China Railway Materials Import& Export Co., Ltd.

  In 2016, China Railway Materials International Group (CRM International) was established by integrating ten existing international companies, including China Railway Materials Import& Export Co., Ltd, Shenzhen Sunray Group Co., Ltd., Mackay Properties Limited, CRM (Hong Kong) Holdings Limited, CRM (Hong Kong) Trading Limited, CRM (USA) Inc., Transgoods (America) Inc., China Railway Materials (Australia) PTY Limited, CRLC (Australia) PTY Limited. It then became a shareholder of CRM International (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

  In response to China’s Belt and Road Initiative, China Railway Materials Laos Co., Ltd was established in 2017 to provide necessary services to construction of China-Laos Railway. In 2009, CRM International started planning to set up a branch in Serbia in order to offer services to the Hungary-Serbia Railway.

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