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Corporate Culture
Development Strategy


  A: To call for green and ecological civilization.

  CRM International executes the terms of Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Management System of China Railway Materials strictly. The idea of green, low carbon and environmental protection has been integrated into the daily work of all employees to be more eco-conscious. The Company urges all to save energy, electricity, water and paper in order to reduce resource consumption and unfavorable environmental impact.

  CRM International carries out a lot of propaganda on energy saving and environmental protection. Activities beneficial for public welfare, such as tree planting contest, are often organized to raise the eco-consciousness of all employees and advocate a low-carbon lifestyle. To keep sustainable development and to make the world greener and better are the common wishes of all staff working in the Company.

  B: To seek for harmonious society and public well-being.

  Localization is a strategy widely adopted by CRM International for overseas companies and projects. Specifically, the company sets up localized agencies, respects local customs and habits, strengthens management of stakeholders, as well as promotes economic and social development and prosperity in project sites. CRM International adheres to the company principle of "Humanistic Care, Integrated Development and Mutual Growth" and takes initiative to respond to local people's major concerns as well as to assist the local government in tackling emergencies. The idea of “A Community of Human Destiny” has been put into practice by CRM International day by day.

  CRM International actively responds to the national strategy of precise poverty alleviation and implements the deployment of precise poverty alleviation of China Railway Materials to help Xiaochang County in Hubei Province win the battle against poverty. It plays a leading role in raising poverty-alleviation funds and targets at precisely resolving local livelihood issues.

  C: To promote global development by innovation and sharing.

  CRM International actively implements the development concept of "Innovation, Coordination, Green, Openness and Sharing" brought out by Chinese Government and sticks to the trinity of “Trade, Engineering & Technology” so as to lead and guarantee a sustainable development at present and in future. “Trade” serves as a method of exchanging needed goods, “Engineering” is the basis of development, while “Technology" and “Capability Cooperation” are regarded as a means of promoting development. The trinity will lead to proper distribution of global resources, free flow of global production factors, improvement of brand influence, sharing of innovative development achievements and contribution to common progress of the world.

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