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Secondary Companies
Secondary Companies

Secondary Companies


  China Railway Materials (USA) Incorporation (CRM USA) was founded in July 2010 at 1255 Monmouth Blvd Galesburg Illinois, which is a rail transportation hub with unique geographical location advantage and close to several major cities of the USA such as Chicago, St. Louis, Minneapolis and Milwaukee. CRM USA is 100% owned by China Railway Materials International Group Corporation (CRM International), which belongs to China Railway Materials Group Corporation (CRM). CRM is one of the largest enterprises in China, which is directly under the governance and supervision of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

  In May 2013, CRM USA acquired Transgoods America, Inc. which is located in Federal way, WA, USA. Both of them have become important window companies of CRM International in North America markets, aiming at market development and project operation in the said area as well as other countries and regions.

  CRM USA acquires a warehouse property in Galesburg and it mainly focuses on railway business and keeps extending its business scope and product portfolio by utilizing its storage property and taking geographical advantage of Galesburg. CRM USA’s current business includes import of AAR standard Q4 bogies, tank heads, rail wheels, rail axles, center plates, joint bars, frogs, switch stands and other railway components, and export of locomotive repair parts. Meanwhile CRM USA provides agency services for rail, steel pad and steel tie products, real estate leasing services and so forth.

  CRM USA has strong customer and supplier resources. It has cooperated with A&K Railroad Materials, National Steel Car (NSC), Union Pacific Railroad (UP), Canadian Rail (CN) and other North American first-class railroad companies for decades. It has also built up excellent relationship with many Chinese manufacturers, including Baoji Bridge Group, Shanhaiguan Bridge Group, the big five Chinese steel rail producers, and other railway rolling stocks and equipment manufacturers belonging to China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation (CRRC).

For any inquiry, please contact:

Name: Mr Changwen Ye

Position: Financial Manager

Email box:

Cell Phone: 001-309-343-2764

Telephone: 001-309-343-2761

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