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  Name of Project: Coal Imported from Russia

  Date of Contract: May, 2018

  Value of Contract: CIF 3 million US Dollars

  Name of Goods: Hard Coking Coal

  Qty. of Goods: 21,000MT (+/-15%)


  Moisture: 9.50%max

  Ash: 13.00%max

  Sulphur: 0.35%max

  Volatile Matter: 32.00%

  Phosphorus: 0.035%max

  FSI: 7min

  Y Index: 20-25

  Size: 0-50mm

  Trace Elements:

  Net Calorific Value: rejection if below 18MJ/kg

  Mercury: rejection if over 0.6μg/g

  Arsenic: rejection if over 80μg/g

  Phosphorous: rejection if over 0.15%

  Chlorine: rejection if over 0.3%

  Fluorine: rejection if over 200μg/g

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